Sunday, October 22, 2017

Happy Birthday to me!

Oct 17,

We all know I love to celebrate my birthday, so every year I really look forward to it. This year it was on a Tuesday, so I considered taking the day off, but at the end decided not to. I have a new hire reporting to me, and didn't want to leave her alone, and I knew my friend Molly would do something nice for me - which she did! She decorated my desk (and actually cleaned it as well), and baked me some brownies. It made me feel very special getting to work and seeing all the effort she had put into it.

Then, in the evening, the family got together to cut cake as usual. My parents didn't realize Lionel would buy the cake, so we ended up with two cakes. And, without any coordinating, they actually bought the exact same one - if only because they know that cake is one of my favorites. So we ended up eating one of them, and I took the other one to work later in the week. 

After cutting cake my parents went back home and the rest of us went out for dinner. We were a bit tired, but we were celebrating and nobody wanted to cook. So we continued the party. After that it was time to get back home, get ready for the next day, and go to bed. 

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