Thursday, March 29, 2018

Spring Break - Day 4 - Hello Florida

Mar 29,

Today we had to get up at 4:00 am to catch our 6:30 am flight to Florida. Nobody slept well - or nearly enough - so getting up was kind of rough. But we did, and made it to the airport and through security with no issues. We did cut it close with boarding because the Starbucks line was long, and it took forever to get our smoothies, but we made it on time and happily - or not - took our seats in the penultimate row. At least the girls and I did, since Lionel lucked out and was in row 6. Since we were so tired we managed to sleep on the flight for a little bit, even though those seats were not the most comfortable thing.

When we arrived in Florida we got the rental car and went straight to the rental house as luckily we were able to get in before the regular check in time. After getting settled we went out to lunch, took much needed naps, hung out by the pool, and went out for dinner. Coming back from the naps was tough, but it helped that it was nice and sunny outside. The girls enjoyed the pool, but the water was cold so I only sat on the edge - which I always do anyway. Bella and I also practiced some dance routines she created for us, and Sofia made a couple of videos that Bella is using to create a "Mami and Bella show". 

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