Friday, March 30, 2018

Spring Break - Day 5 - As good as it gets

Mar 30,

Today was a good day. We took it easy in the morning, went out for lunch, read and hung out while the girls played in the pool, went to the beach, came back, cleaned up, took a few family pictures, and went out for dinner. Not too much, and not too little. Just the right amount of activities. At the beach, instead of a sand castle, Sofia made a sculpture of Zoey - leg boo boo and everything. Bella, in the meantime, mostly played in the water. I played with her for a little bit, but was careful not to get completely wet because the water was too cold for my liking. This of course was not surprising to any of them as I don't usually get in anyway. I just like looking at the ocean and getting my feet wet.

On a side note, I did give Lionel a hard time for bringing his Vail t-shirt to Florida. Not like he cared, since he still proudly wore it all day. 

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