Saturday, March 31, 2018

Spring Break - Day 6 - Well, that was hard!

Mar 31,

As I always do when I am on vacation, I brought my tennis shoes to Florida to go for a run one of the mornings. That morning was supposed to be today, so last night I set my alarm to 7:00 am. I figured it was early enough for it not to be too hot, or too crowded. Depending on how I felt I thought I could do just an average run (4-5 miles) or push it and do something like 8 to make it to the beach and back. Besides setting the alarm I also made sure my running shoes, clothes, arm band, and sun screen were out and ready to go. 

Those were the plans, but then I I didn't sleep well - or enough - at all.  I was too hot. I was too cold. The pillow was uncomfortable. I was wide awake. And then it was 6:00 am, and I really felt that my body needed sleep more than it needed the run. So I forced myself to go back to sleep and finally woke up  for good at around 9:00 am. The girls woke up shortly thereafter, but were in no hurry to get moving. Lionel was reading the news or watching sports or something, and I was feeling disappointed that I didn't go running, but it was too late for it - or was it? The sky was overcast, and it was 77 degrees outside, so I considered going for at least a quick 3 mile run. Before I could talk myself out of it I got dressed, said good bye, and headed for the door with my bottle of cold water on hand. 

I knew right away that it was going to be tough. The humidity was brutal, and even before hitting 1 mile I was already taking walking breaks.  And going all the way to the beach? Forget it. Not unless I wanted to Uber it on the way back. So I ended up running just out and back - as soon as I hit 1.5 miles I turned around. It of course was a slow run, and when I came back I felt as if I had just run an entire half-marathon. Humidity is no joke. Last week I ran 11 miles, with 860 ft elevation, and all in under 10 minutes per mile. Today I walked/ran 3.1 miles, with zero elevation, and my average was 10:29 minutes per mile.    

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