Monday, July 5, 2021

Mexico 2021 - Day 10 - Hot Springs, Park, and Goodbyes

 Jul 4,

This morning we got up early to go to La Gruta, the nearby hot springs. We wanted to be there by 8:00 am. It was a particularly foggy morning, and on the way there we saw a hot balloon flying really, really low. I am assuming that since it was so foggy, they couldn't see a thing otherwise. 

The entrance to La Gruta is not obvious by any means, so you could easily miss it even if you were looking for it. Luckily our friend Max had showed us exactly where it was. The place was also much bigger than I had anticipated. It is a pretty decent size. It was a chilly morning, so I personally couldn't wait to get in the water. It was so nice and warm, and with the chilly morning it felt even better. Even abuelita, who normally doesn't get in the pool and was not prepared for it, bought a swim suit at their store and got in as well. I was very happy that she did. It was such a unique place. We all enjoyed it a lot and were happy that we squeezed it in before leaving San Miguel.

After leaving La Gruta we went back to the house to finish packing, close everything, and drive back to Queretaro. We had to return the rental cars by 4:00 pm. After returning the cars, and checking in at the hotel, we went to the Alameda (the park) to walk around for a little bit. It was very hot outside, but it feel really good to walk around in the shade. At the park entrance they had some historical information and I learned that the Acueducto took 13 years to build, and stared functioning right on my birthday, on Oct 17, in 1738. I never knew that.

After the park we went back to the hotel, took showers, and went to Max's house for our last get together. After all the driving around they did for us, they still cooked us dinner. It was  great to spend time together this week after 20+ years of not seeing each other. And it was even better to see that we could still pick up right where we left off. Of course it was sad to say good bye, but we are leaving with great new memories. 

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