Saturday, July 3, 2021

Mexico 2021 - Day 8 - Strange day

Jul 2,

Today was a bit of a strange day. Nothing went according to plan. First, the house ran out of gas and nobody could shower at the start of the day. Then it took us a while to find a place to have lunch, and it took even longer while to find a place for Raj, Lionel, and the kids to watch the soccer games.  At some point they were all just standing outside a restaurant, looking in. Then we came back to the house and discovered there was a leak somewhere, as it smelled a lot like gas - yes, even though in theory there was no gas left. The gas people came to refill the tank and the bill was much higher than anticipated. Then, while someone was trying to fix the gas situation, we lost power. Someone eventually came to fix that, but by then everyone was done with the day. What a freaking mess. At least we did walk around for a bit and taught Lulu how to play Bananagrams.

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