Sunday, July 25, 2021

Soccer and more

 Jul 25,

This was a busy week, with lots of soccer-related activities. Bella had her soccer camp at Xavier from Monday through Thursday, and had soccer practice at Walnut on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday night. On Wednesday, Lionel and Bella went to the FC game (no pictures were taken) and Sofia and I had dinner and went to Alms Park to try to see the sunset. We missed the sunset, but at least we had the view and Sofia practiced driving. 

On Friday, I took the afternoon off. Sofia worked, but Bella and I went back to Alms Park to eat our lunch. On the way back we decided to do a craft, and painted tote bags. Meantime, Lionel went downtown to play poker. On Saturday morning Lionel and I went running, and I worked on the yard for about 3 hours. It was super hot, and I was exhausted, so after finally taking a shower I took a 3 hour nap. I didn't mean to sleep that long, but I guess it just happened. 

This morning Bella wanted to get up early to go to Coffee Emporium, before the traveled to Vail with Philippe and Monique. She is spending the week with them. The rest of us will be here, going about our days.

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