Friday, July 2, 2021

Mexico - Day 7 - Guanajuato

 Jul 1,

Today we split into groups. Sofia and Adrian had a bad stomach ache, and Sofia barely slept last night, so the two of them stayed behind with Tio, Lionel, and Diego. That means that only Gabi, Bella, Lulu, Abuelita, and I went to Guanajuato. We left a bit after 9:00 am, picked Lulu up from her Bed and Breakfast, and headed there. We thought we would get straight on the highway, but turns out that the "highway" really looks like a bunch of back roads. We got there at almost noon, and had to head back at around 4:30 pm, so we knew we had limited time. We looked for a place to park downtown, and just walked around. We also took the funicular, so we could see the view of the entire city, did some shopping, and had a late lunch before heading back. We didn't want to be driving in those roads in the dark and did a good job getting back at around 6:30 pm - with still plenty of daylight. We later went out for dinner and - just like that - that was the end of the day. I hope everyone feels back to normal tomorrow so we can resume our full group activities.

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