Sunday, October 30, 2022

400 Miles

Oct 30,

Today I reached 400 miles for the year. It was a slow run, but my running goals are currently based on mileage and not speed. My usual goal for a full year is 500 miles but, since my knee was pretty much recovering for the first 3 months, my basic goal was only 375 miles. However, I decided to push for it and also have a stretch goal of 450 miles, and a super duper stretch one of 500. With 2 months left in the year, and assuming I remain healthy, the super duper stretch goal is still within reach.

Halloween Party

 Oct 29,

Tonight we went to a Pan de Muerto/Halloween party with the Mexican Family. Bella had her own party, and Sofia only came for a little while, but we also took Tia with us. It was the first time she was meeting most of them, but as usual they were very welcoming and she had a good time.

Sofia's New Car!

 Oct 28,

After doing a lot of research, looking everywhere, and test driving a few cars, Lionel finally found a great car for Sofia. He bought it in the afternoon and in the evening I went with him to pick it up. By the time we got home it was already late and dark, but we didn't want to wait and gave it to her right away. She was so, so happy. It is clear this gives her the freedom that she has been needing and craving for a while. And especially since senior year is being rough for her, it is great that at least she gets to go wherever she wants, whenever she wants, without having to ask for any favors.

Abuelito's Birthday

 Oct 28,

Today is Abuelito's 72th birthday and Gabi came to Cincinnati as a surprise visit to celebrate with him. Well, surprise for him as my mom and I knew she was coming. I also took the day off. We took him out for lunch, Gabi spent the bulk of the day with them, and at night we went to their house to cut cake. It got kind of late and it was closer to his bed time, so he was already tired and therefore we didn't linger too much. After feeding and walking the girls Lionel also showed up for a few minutes to wish him happy birthday. Also, abuelita and I were twinning and that was a total coincidence.

Sunday, October 23, 2022


 Oct 23,


 Oct 22,

Today Bella's team won the overall tournament. They won against Mariemont which was particularly sweet as last time they lost 5-0 against that team. They worked really hard and really deserved the win. Kaitlin, her current BFF, came to see her as well. 

Bella soccer game

 Oct 20,

Tonight was Bella's soccer game against Kings. They lost their previous game to this team, but tonight they won making it to the final of the post-season tournament. She also had a special guest, as Sofia came with us.

My Birthday

 Oct 17,

Today was my birthday, and I spent it exactly the way I wanted to spend it: With my family.

I knew the day would be hectic, so last night we did advance cake cutting with my parents. Luckily I had bought 2 cakes. Lionel had tried to order a cake a couple of days before, only to be told that they were short staffed and he needed to order like a week and a half in advance. I really wanted my Servatti cake, so on Sunday morning I drove to 3 different locations between Hyde Park and Anderson. In the third location I got lucky as they had both cakes we normally get, and since I had worked so hard driving around I decided not to compromise and just get both of them.

This morning I started the day with a 3 mile run before Sofia, Lionel, and I got ready to drive to Columbus to see The Ohio State University. Bella was at school, Kika went to doggy daycare, and Zoey stayed home. The weather was freezing both in Cincinnati and Columbus, but we still enjoyed waking around campus so Sofia could see it.

We came back from Columbus straight to Bella's soccer game. The weather was even more cold and windy by then. Unfortunately Sofia was not feeling well, so she ended up not going out for dinner with us. But she did join us when we cut cake late that day. We just didn't take full group pictures because it was so late. 

Bread Eaters

 Oct 16,

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Simpler Times

 Oct 16,

I don't remember how we got into the topic, but last night Lionel and I were talking about whether or not, if we could, we would want to go back in time to live our twenties all over again. I said no, because I feel like I have done a pretty good use of my life so far. But I wouldn't mind "visiting" and seeing my girls when they were little, maybe 3 or 5 years old. They are a handful at that age, but they are also just plain happy. At that age they don't have to deal with bad friends, worry about homework or exams, stress about what to study in college - or getting admitted to the college of their choice - or question their worth when someone is not nice to them. All the things that upset them are short lived, and they don't leave any mark on them. I wish that simplicity and self-assurance could last forever - it would save them a lot of pain.

Guilty Dog

 Oct 15,

Tonight Kika went upstairs. Lionel thought I left the gate open but I didn't, so I am sure she just jumped over it. She is not smart enough to open it, and close it again.

Boogie Bash 2022

 Oct 14,

Tonight was the Boggie Bash, a dance at school for 7th and 8th graders. Bella went with her friends. They dressed as cops and robbers, and gladly Bella chose to be a cop. I find it creepy for her to dress up as a robber.

Walnut Vs Kings

 Oct 11,

After my work event I went straight to Bella's soccer game against Kings. Unfortunately they lost, but fortunately the weather was still good.

Power It Up

 Oct 11,

This week we had an event for all IT people in NA, the first large in-person event after the pandemic, and the first one that included all people in IT - regardless of the specific area where we work. They encouraged people to dress up in super hero costumes,which is totally not my thing. Since I am part of the NA Village leadership team I was particularly encouraged to dress up, but at least they told us it was Ok for us to pick from the first responders theme. Sadly most of the costumes for women are super inappropriate (and may I say slutty?) but I was able to find one with pink scrubs. And even though it was simple, and I was definitely not looking for or expecting compliments, several people told me they really liked it. People also had a good time at the event, mainly for being able to see people they hadn't seen in a while. So even though all our email accumulated while we were out, it was a good investment of time.

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Queen Bee Half Marathon 2022

 Oct 8,

After getting back home last evening, today I completed the Queen Bee Half, which is also my 17th Half Marathon. My training was rough this time around, and I didn't feel in the best shape, so I thought I would have to run some and walk some. The max I ran during the training was 10 miles (and I struggled doing so), so my goal was to hang in there for 10 miles and then allow myself to walk the last 3 miles if that is what I needed to do. But the weather was really cold, which made it easier to run. And I ended up running the entire way. I did feel a cramp coming for the last half mile, and had to slow down a couple of times, but ran across the finish line. My final time was 10:17 per mile.

Lionel went with me at the start of the race, Vs me driving there by myself,  which I really appreciated. I didn't want to be there by myself waiting for the race to start. He stayed with me until the race started, and then met me at the finish line. Sofia was at work, and Bella stayed in bed.

I have done every Queen Bee since the race started , so I am still part of the Queens Court. And even though next October we should be living in Boston already, I fully intend to come back for the race. It is the 10th Anniversary and I don't want to miss that.