Sunday, October 16, 2022

Simpler Times

 Oct 16,

I don't remember how we got into the topic, but last night Lionel and I were talking about whether or not, if we could, we would want to go back in time to live our twenties all over again. I said no, because I feel like I have done a pretty good use of my life so far. But I wouldn't mind "visiting" and seeing my girls when they were little, maybe 3 or 5 years old. They are a handful at that age, but they are also just plain happy. At that age they don't have to deal with bad friends, worry about homework or exams, stress about what to study in college - or getting admitted to the college of their choice - or question their worth when someone is not nice to them. All the things that upset them are short lived, and they don't leave any mark on them. I wish that simplicity and self-assurance could last forever - it would save them a lot of pain.

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