Saturday, October 8, 2022

Queen Bee Half Marathon 2022

 Oct 8,

After getting back home last evening, today I completed the Queen Bee Half, which is also my 17th Half Marathon. My training was rough this time around, and I didn't feel in the best shape, so I thought I would have to run some and walk some. The max I ran during the training was 10 miles (and I struggled doing so), so my goal was to hang in there for 10 miles and then allow myself to walk the last 3 miles if that is what I needed to do. But the weather was really cold, which made it easier to run. And I ended up running the entire way. I did feel a cramp coming for the last half mile, and had to slow down a couple of times, but ran across the finish line. My final time was 10:17 per mile.

Lionel went with me at the start of the race, Vs me driving there by myself,  which I really appreciated. I didn't want to be there by myself waiting for the race to start. He stayed with me until the race started, and then met me at the finish line. Sofia was at work, and Bella stayed in bed.

I have done every Queen Bee since the race started , so I am still part of the Queens Court. And even though next October we should be living in Boston already, I fully intend to come back for the race. It is the 10th Anniversary and I don't want to miss that. 

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