Sunday, October 23, 2022

My Birthday

 Oct 17,

Today was my birthday, and I spent it exactly the way I wanted to spend it: With my family.

I knew the day would be hectic, so last night we did advance cake cutting with my parents. Luckily I had bought 2 cakes. Lionel had tried to order a cake a couple of days before, only to be told that they were short staffed and he needed to order like a week and a half in advance. I really wanted my Servatti cake, so on Sunday morning I drove to 3 different locations between Hyde Park and Anderson. In the third location I got lucky as they had both cakes we normally get, and since I had worked so hard driving around I decided not to compromise and just get both of them.

This morning I started the day with a 3 mile run before Sofia, Lionel, and I got ready to drive to Columbus to see The Ohio State University. Bella was at school, Kika went to doggy daycare, and Zoey stayed home. The weather was freezing both in Cincinnati and Columbus, but we still enjoyed waking around campus so Sofia could see it.

We came back from Columbus straight to Bella's soccer game. The weather was even more cold and windy by then. Unfortunately Sofia was not feeling well, so she ended up not going out for dinner with us. But she did join us when we cut cake late that day. We just didn't take full group pictures because it was so late. 

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