Sunday, October 16, 2022

Power It Up

 Oct 11,

This week we had an event for all IT people in NA, the first large in-person event after the pandemic, and the first one that included all people in IT - regardless of the specific area where we work. They encouraged people to dress up in super hero costumes,which is totally not my thing. Since I am part of the NA Village leadership team I was particularly encouraged to dress up, but at least they told us it was Ok for us to pick from the first responders theme. Sadly most of the costumes for women are super inappropriate (and may I say slutty?) but I was able to find one with pink scrubs. And even though it was simple, and I was definitely not looking for or expecting compliments, several people told me they really liked it. People also had a good time at the event, mainly for being able to see people they hadn't seen in a while. So even though all our email accumulated while we were out, it was a good investment of time.

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