Saturday, October 8, 2022

September Catch Up

 Oct 8,

The last few weeks have been quite eventful and a total blur. I don't think I had ever gone a full 4 weeks without updating the blog, so a number of things have bee accumulating. Here is a short recap...

I finished my training for the Queen Bee Half Marathon.

Bella and I found the time to go to Yagoot at least one.

Bella completed training to become a referee for  soccer games for little ones.  She heard she could make $20 per hour and she was all in.

Bella's soccer season continues. They have lost some and won some. 

Sofia went to homecoming. It was not her favorite thing ever, but she felt she should go.

Sofia has been working on her college applications. 

I accepted a new job with P&G and agreed to move to Boston next summer. I officially start the new job on Nov 1st, but there is a lot of stuff already in motion. 

Lionel and I made a flash weekend trip to Boston to drive around and see neighborhoods before the weather gets cold.

I spent 2 weeks in between Boston and Maine to onboard to the new role. I did come home in between for a day and a half before I left again. I was in back to back meetings and events, from morning to night, so it was exhausting. But it was also great getting to meet the new team in person and start forming relationships. When we were in Maine, we also went on a couple of outdoor group runs. And this past week I ran a couple of times at the hotel gym. I needed some movement, especially since there was no walking the dogs.

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