Sunday, December 31, 2023

Happy New Year!

Dec 31,

While Lionel and I are not empty-nesters just yet, the girls are spending new years with their friends - which they clearly prefer. So tonight it was just the two of us: Out for a quiet dinner and then back to the hotel. Happy New Year to us, and to the girls, and to our families, and our friends, and everyone else who could use the good wishes. And, above all, may please, pretty please, 2024 be good to our girls. 


Dec 31,

We came back to Cinci for a few days to visit family, friends, and our favorite places - at least those we could squeeze in during these few days. Since we haven’t taken the time yet to get new doctors and dentists in Boston, we also got our regular check ups done while here. Bella also got her second ear piercing, which she wanted for a while but I told her she had to wait until she was 15. She did it here so her friend Kaitlin could be with her.

While this is my 4th time coming back since we moved back in Jun, and Bella came with me in Oct, this is the first time the four of us come back together. Everything is so familiar that it still feels like we never left. But we did leave, and we hope that bringing them here this week [and letting them spend most of the time with their friends] is mostly good for the girls and that the reality of the return to Boston doesn’t feel brutal to them. At the very least, I hope they are looking forward to sleeping in their own beds and seeing their loving dogs. And Sofia to having her personal space (and being able to close the door on us) and driving her car.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

New running shoes

Dec 26,

This morning, before getting ready for our flight to Cincinnati, I did a chill 3.1 run on the treadmill. Since I had already packed my running shoes, I took out my new ones that I had ready to go for Jan 1. New running shoes always feel so good.

Monday, December 25, 2023

Peaks and Valleys

Dec 25,

While having dinner a couple of days ago Bella asked all of us what was our Peak and Valley of the year. I cringed, because I knew - or could guess with a high degree of certainty - what the girls were going to say. Sure enough, their valley (or lowest point) was the move to Boston. Sigh. Bella's peak was her last semester (when she was still at Walnut Hills), and Sofia's peak was meeting her friend Caroline. And may I mention that if we had not moved to Boston, maybe she would not have met her? But I guess it  does not matter because right now the girls are refusing (or unable) to see anything positive about it.

Lionel's peak was getting back to work, and both of our valleys were the girls not being Ok. As for me, my peak was finally being able to have an experience outside of Cincinnati, which sadly is also a big downer as it was the main cause for a lot of the girl's unhappiness. Not the only one, in my opinion, as much as they may want to see it that way right now.

The reality is that choosing a single peak, or a single valley, is mission impossible. I can think of many peaks and valleys along the way. Every single one of them painful or happy in their own little way. But I can sit here thinking about the valleys, and how miserable they made me, or think about the peaks and remind myself that even though this year has been tough in a few different ways, I CHOOSE to keep my head up. Because we always have a choice. And I choose to believe it will get better - if you are willing to have faith and work for it.

Christmas Day

Dec 25,

After opening Santa Claus gifts, we all got ready to go to grandma and grandpa's for a lovely and yummy lunch. One of grandma's gifts from last night, a frame with a photo of the girls, was already with the other frames.

After lunch I got really tired and took a nap on the couch, and when I woke up it was time to head back home. Then, in the afternoon - and when it was getting dark already - I walked the dogs. It was the girls' turn, but it was nice outside (not too cold) and I thought I could use the walk. I then came back to continue updating the blog, and have a rare moment of peace, while everyone else was doing their own thing.

Christmas Morning

Dec 25,

Keeping with the tradition, the girls got their Santa Claus gifts this morning. Bella was ready for it, but Sofia was super tired as she couldn't fall asleep last night. She got some moral support from the dogs though, and both got some pretty good gift cards. Bella also got a 1989 Taylor Swift sweater that I had originally ordered for her birthday, but took forever to get here. She was pretty excited about that gift.

Christmas Eve

Dec 24,

With our move to Boston, this year we couldn't all be together for Christmas. Besides, the girls have always preferred to be at their own house on Christmas Eve. So we split in exactly 6 and 6. My sister and her family went to Cincinnati to be with my parents, and the rest of us stayed here. We hosted dinner at our new house and while Bella originally wanted to play games, to keep the tradition, the night went by quite quickly and we did not have time for it at all.

The girls didn't necessarily openly complain about being here during the evening, but it was clearly in their minds - and hearts. Still, we did our best to make them happy and hopefully give them a good Christmas Eve.