Saturday, December 23, 2023

Happy-ish Birthday Bella

Nov 25,

Our Bella turned 15 years old today and luckily we were able to celebrate it with family in town. While I wish she had been her happy and bubbly self, the reality is that she was sad with no friends in town. She was sad that her Cincinnati friends were not here, and that so far she has no local friends that even knew, or cared, that it was her birthday. She highlighted how, even if she wanted to have a party, she simply had nobody to invite. 

At some point during the day, when her Cincinnati friends started to post about her birthday, the local kids (who are connected via social media even if they are not friends per se) realized it was her birthday and some of them wished her happy birthday. But she was disheartened that all they had to say were things like "Bella, you are so pretty", because they have not taken the time to know her and know who she is, what she likes, what is her favorite color...

We, her family, surrounded her with as much love as possible, and reminded her that she is deeply loved. But I know it was not enough.

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