Saturday, December 23, 2023

Our First House Party in Boston

Dec 3,

Last night we hosted our very first party in Boston. It was a bit of a risk, or a bit of an experiment, as coworkers do not really hang out outside of work around here. Most of the people I invited were co-workers, plus our new neighbors, that we share a wall with and who have been so nice and friendly to us. 

Luckily people did show up - we had about 20 guests - and we had a great time. I did not even take photos once the party started as I was distracted talking to people. The party ended at midnight, and I got great feedback from those who came and those who could not, because they heard it was a great time. Probably the nicest feedback I got was from the wife of one of my co-workers. She told me "My husband must really like you, because he never wants to go anywhere and he really wanted to come today".  Another coworker told me that in all the years he has been based out of the Boston office, this was the first time a co-worker invited him to their house. I thought that was really sad. It is funny to me that people would be so unwilling to have people over. After all, the scary part is not to open the doors to your home. The scary part is to open the proverbial doors to your heart. To be friendly, and vulnerable, and show them who you are.

I hope that for however long I am here, I will make a positive difference in the culture of this place. And based on what I am hearing, I am having a good [and much needed] start.

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