Saturday, December 23, 2023


Nov 24,

For Thanksgiving Sofia came home and Gabi and her family drove from Baltimore. We didn't do anything particularly exotic, but took a couple of family walks together. We went to South Boston and Downtown one day, and saw where I work,  and another  day we went to Harvard. It was also nice for them to see our new home, our new neighborhood, and in general our new surroundings. For Thanksgiving dinner, Lionel's parents also joined us.

For the girls Thanksgiving was bittersweet, and therefore also for us. Bella was happy to see her cousins, and being able to play with them. But it was also very sad to see them go and stay by herself all over again. And for Sofia it was nice to have her room and personal space, being able to drive, and see all of us (at least I think she also appreciated this last part). But Boston is not her home as far as she is concerned - Cincinnati is. So she still wished nothing had changed and that she had been able to go to Cincinnati to see her friends. Still, I think we made the best out of it - and even with all the changes and challenges of the last year or so, we had plenty to be thankful for. 

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