Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Face your fears, get on that bike

Those close to me know that when it's time to ride a bike, I am not always the most confident one around. As my sister knows, there are three very good reasons for that.

When I was a child, I had three bad bike accidents. One involves going down the steps on the side of a building and luckily being stopped by a gate. The second one involves going down hill on a busy street and painfully being stopped by a bush. And the last one involves going down on a dirt road at a high speed and almost falling down a dangerously steep hill. My sister helplessly witnessed all three of those.

So no, I am not the most confident rider, but as long as there's no high speed or steep hills involved, I still like doing it now and then. Today was a good occasion to do so.

Hilton Head is a good place to go biking. And Sea Pines, the section of the Island where we are staying, has a really nice and long bike path. This morning was very cloudy, so we weren't sure if we were going to get rained on, but we decided to take a chance, bring our ponchos along, and walk to the bike rental place. Lionel and Sofia rode a two-people [tandem] bike. And I rode mine puling Isabella in the back.

We were out there for a while and we did not get rained on. Sofia did great pedaling all the time, and Isabella took a good long nap. And as for me, I managed to relax, enjoy the ride, and stay on the right path the entire time.

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