Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Numero uno?

I've never been one of those people who have to win at everything: I don't feel the need to outdo everybody around me, or to convince them that they would love to be ME. In fact, I think that eternal need to win is an extremely annoying trait - and one that makes me run the other way.

That does not mean I don't enjoy winning at all. I really do! It's nice to know there's at least one thing I am good at, or, at the very least, that I can get lucky now and then.

I guess its human nature to want to win, even when you may not even know the prize. The other day, for instance, I was driving home and listening to the radio. They had a contest in which they gave you clues and you had to find out what object they were talking about. I was so excited when I listened to the clues because I knew right away what they were talking about: A piƱata. I of course have no idea of what they were giving away, but that was not even the point. I simply felt oh so special because I, Abi Estrada-Bey, "Just knew it!".

And have you ever gone to an amusement park and "won" something for your kids? I have, and I know I had fun winning the prize, even though I am positive I spent more money on the tickets than the prize itself was worth.

So maybe it is the surprise factor that makes it all good.

The whole reason why I am even writing about this is that I won something today at a work event. I did not even know they were raffling things, so I certainly did not expect to win anything. But it was surprising and fun to hear my name being called, and getting up to pick up my prize: A "Relaxation themed basket". How appropriate! Now, if I could only find the time to actually use the stuff in it...

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