Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The joy of doing nothing...

Isabella turned exactly 18 months old today.  And it was a good day.

We went to the beach in the morning:  Ran around, buried each other in the sand, took pictures, and attempted to play with our less than sturdy 1 dollar "Friends-be" as Sofia calls it. She really means "Frisbee".

I enjoyed knowing that, for once, we had nothing else to do, nowhere else to be. After the beach we came home, had lunch, and sat around for a long while just wasting time. Something that does not happen everyday for us. 

The girls and I played with the computer and my iPod, took silly pictures of each other, and jumped rope inside the house while Lionel read next to us. Eventually Lionel and Sofia got back in the pool and Isabella and I went for a short walk. No pool for Bella since she has picked up somewhat of a nasty cough.

Then came dinner, followed by bed time for the girls. And then, more time to relax. This is exactly what vacation is all about!

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