Sunday, May 30, 2010

The return

And we are back home.

The girls did great during our 13-hour trip. Sure, we listened to the monkeys on the bed song for what felt like a million times, but we really could not have asked for better behavior on the girls' part.  We only came close to a meltdown once, when we were still an hour away. But we managed to get out of it when I moved to the back with them, and Isabella fell asleep.

We finally arrived home at around 10:30 pm, put the girls in bed, took all the bags out of the car, unpacked the food and a few other things, and went to bed.

Unfortunately it took me less than a day to get back to my old self. I couldn't just see the mess and sit there. So we spent all day today running up and down, until everything was in place: everything unpacked, car washed, clothes washed and put away, etc.

So now I am exhausted. And I am ready to go to bed.

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