Sunday, May 23, 2010

Monique & Philippe

This is our third family trip to Hilton Head. And this is the third time my in laws come with us. This may sound uncommon, but I actually enjoy having them here. That does not mean we don't get on each other's nerves now and then. But overall we do enjoy each other's company and manage to settle into a nice week long routine.

I applaud them for wanting to do this with us in their older days: They are in their late 60s and early 70s now. It has been a long, long time since they had to endure all the inconveniences of going anywhere with small children.

Today, for instance, it took us about 20 minutes to be able to leave the beach. Collecting our stuff, rinsing the sand off of bathing suits, shoes, and so forth was a real production. We are used to it, but they sure are not. And I know if we hadn't been there, it probably would have taken them 2 minutes flat.

I think it is also safe to say they are not used to handing anybody a plastic fork for dinner, seeing anybody spit their food, or hearing on and off whining all day long.

But they haven't really complained about it. So I think through it all they are enjoying themselves. Because when you are with the children you love, for every inconvenience there is a sweet smile that completely makes up for it.

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