Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Day 37 - Doctor, Panera, and Ice Cream

This morning, after her swim lesson, Bella finally had her appointment with the ophthalmologist following the eye infection she had a few weeks ago. They told us it would be a long one, since they would dilate her eyes to check them out, so I asked Lionel to come with us. It was a long one indeed, but Bella was a perfect patient. She never freaked out, and cooperated the entire time. At the end of her appointment she was allowed to pick something from the "Treasure chest", so she picked a Princess tiara. 

After the Doctor appointment Lionel went back to work, and Bella and I went to Panera for lunch. We then picked Sofia up from her play date at Samantha's house, and grabbed some Greater's ice cream before heading back home.

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