Friday, July 25, 2014

Day 55 - Good bye ... Encore

It appears that one of Bella's teacher - miss Barb - didn't get a chance to say goodbye to Bella on her last day. She asked Raj to please ask us to stop by, if we could, so her and the entire class could say a proper goodbye. So this afternoon, after going to the Dr, we stopped by for a little while. The kids all gathered to hear the teacher talk about how Bella is now going to a different school after going there since she was a baby, and they all said their goodbyes and gave her kisses (some of the boys really took it seriously) and hugs. Even Sofia got some!

The moment must have made Sofia feel nostalgic, because she also asked to stop by the other building, where the older kids' camp is, to say hi to her friends. There we took a quick picture with Gracie, who has been in the same Goddard classroom with Sofia ever since they were babies.

Nine full years we went there. We are definitely leaving behind many years of great memories.

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