Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Day 39 - Another good summer day

Today started with Bella's swim lesson, where she once again rocked it and kept surprising her teacher with both her endurance and overall willingness to keep pushing herself. Sofia also got in the pool, and after the class I let them play for a little bit before giving them a shower. We then went to Juilfs Park, where the girls mostly enjoyed playing in the sand. Since they had just taken a shower Sofia  - who is a worrier - asked "But what if I get dirty?", to which I simply answered "That is Ok. You can take a shower again". That seemed to make sense to her.

After the park we went to Abuelitos' house for lunch with Abuelita and Tia Gabi, and ended up spending the rest of the afternoon there. I actually ran an errand as well, but the girls happily stayed there in the meantime. They cut paper, painted their nails, colored, and enjoyed the afternoon at a slow pace.

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