Monday, July 14, 2014

Day 44 - Mami-Fifi time

Today Bella chose to go to the Goddard school because she wanted to go on a field trip to Entertainment junction, so it was Mami-Fifi time all day long. It had been a while since we had one of those, so it was good to be just the two of us.

We started the day running couple errands, but then we went to Let's go Doodling to paint pottery, which is something we both enjoyed. I painted a plate, and Sofia painted a small bowl.  My plate is all about how much I am enjoying our time together, and Sofia's bowl is all about Love.

We then had lunch at Dewey's and watched Maleficent, which was a good movie. Before we went to pick up Bella we stopped at Claire's by Sofia's request, and found a pair of necklaces that were so cute and appropriate for the girls that Sofia didn't even have to ask - I happily bought them.

Tomorrow Sofia is going to the Goddard school, so it will be Mami-Bella time.

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