Monday, July 28, 2014

Day 58 - Barcelona Day 2

Today we meant to get up early, but that didn't quite happen as by the time we were ready to go it was 11:00 am already. Sofia - not surprisingly - was the last one to get up, but we all dragged our feet for one reason or another.

After having a quick breakfast at the apartment we walked to La Sagrada Familia, but it was incredibly crowded. The line to buy tickets basically went all the way around the block, and it was also very hot and muggy. So we walked to a nearby Starbucks and bought tickets online for tomorrow morning. We then decided to make the walk all the way to the beach, which basically takes you through several of the tourist attractions. We walked by the Arc de Triomf (we are still not sure what triumph it specifically celebrates), the Parc de La Ciutadella, and the Zoo, all the way to Port Vell. We actually meant to go to the Barceloneta beach first, but let's say that we made a wrong turn. By the time we were walking back from the port towards the beach it started to rain, so we sought shelter under the tent of a crafts vendor who was kind enough not to kick us out ... but not before getting wet. By then the girls were already whining about being tired of walking, so the rain really didn't help. Sofia started counting the amount of times she had gotten rained on already this summer, and they both started to say that they no longer wanted to go to the beach and that we should just take a taxi to go back home. But you know me, and the story didn't there. I convinced them that it didn't matter if we got wet, and that the beach was already so close that we couldn't give up on it then. Luckily the weather cleared up a bit, so walk to the beach we did. The girls had a good time playing in the water (even though it was a bit cold for my taste) and collecting a bunch of little rocks. Sofia even found one in the shape of a heart. I stood close by to keep an eye on them, and Lionel stayed closer to the wooden path since he had tennis shoes on. I was personally surprised at how rough the sand was, as it really didn't feel like sand at all. It was more like a bunch of little rocks. Lionel rolls his eyes every time I say something along these lines, but I have to say that the sand in Mexico is way, way better.

After the beach we took a taxi back home, took showers, rested for a little while, and headed back out for dinner. Since we had a good meal, the place was only a few blocks away, and it was a rainy night, we decided to go back to the same restaurant as last night. While we were eating it was raining pretty hard, but luckily it cleared up for a little bit and we were able to walk back home without getting soaking wet. The girls are now in bed and I will be quick to follow, as my goal is to start the day tomorrow with a quick outdoor run.

Arc de Triomf
Chasing giant bubbles
Port Vell
Good attitude after getting rained on

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