Saturday, July 17, 2010

Life happens

When two people you love decide to split, you don't even know what to think, what to feel. If you know they've been unhappy for a while the first thing you might feel is relief, as that will allow them, and all those around them, to finally get some peace. But sadness will probably also take center stage. Because that means all the years they shared, and all the memories they built together, will have to put aside, forgotten, so that they can really move on. You'll probably also feel anger, as the split is likely to generate much stress. And you'll wonder why they couldn't just better communicate. If you have kids, you'll also be worried about how you are going to explain the new living arrangements without them wondering if that will happen to you someday. And what about birthdays and holidays? Who should you invite when?

It will take time, but eventually you'll learn to live with it. And you will convince yourself that it is all for the best.

But then, if one day they announce they'll be getting back together, you'll be puzzled. And you'll wonder how quickly they will go back to their old ways. Will they play nice for a while only to eventually split all over again?

So yes, you'll worry, and you'll be skeptical. But deep inside you'll be supportive as well. And you'll hope they really learned a thing or two during their time apart. And you'll wish them the best during their second shot at finding happiness.

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