Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Mal humor

Today I had a very challenging afternoon. Isabella has so much energy that she is always a handful, but when she is not happy she is ten times worse. And this afternoon she was not very happy at all. I think it is because she only slept an hour at naptime, which the teachers warned me about.

Sofia had her tennis lesson after school. So after I picked the girls up we headed straight there. The lesson only lasts 30 minutes, but it always seems longer than that. Probably because I spend the entire time chasing after Isabella all over the place. But today was particularly bad, because on top of chasing her and having to bring her back to our court, I had to fight with her every single time. She just wanted to keep running, so she did whatever she could to prevent me from picking her up. And when I finally did, she started whining and throwing tantrums. In the meantime, poor Sofia was calling for us and started crying because she couldn't see where we were. After 30 long minutes the lesson was over, and by then I was somewhat sweaty and completely stressed.

On our way out we still had to stop by the front desk and pay. I couldn't hold on to Isabella while I paid, so I had to put her down. But then she started chasing after the other kids. At first she started running towards the main door, so I had to leave my stuff there and go get her. But I still couldn't hold on while I paid, so I had to put her down again. This time she started running in the opposite direction, which meant she could have tumbled down the steps. So again I had to leave my stuff there, and go after her. After a few more painful minutes I finally paid, and the three of us headed back to the car. Once the girls we all strapped in their car seats I felt some relief. Isabella may not have been all that happy in her car seat, but at least I knew she was ok.

We finally made it to the house, and helped Lionel prepare dinner. Isabella continued with her bad mood, which meant she barely ate. She also needed a bath, which was another struggle for us. And then, finally came bed time for the girls, and we all finally got some rest.

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