Monday, July 26, 2010

The Zoo

Yesterday morning we went to the zoo. It was supposed to be a really hot day, so we got there early, right before 10:00 am. It had been a while since all four of us went there together, which is just wrong considering we are members and the kids love being there. So despite the heat, and the weather forecast that called for scattered thunderstorms, I was determined to get us there.

Lucky for us, it never really rained, so we had a pretty good visit for the couple hours we were there. One of our first stops was at the carousel. Since it was not too crowded yet, even Lionel and I got to ride as well. We also took the red train, which is Sofia's favorite spot right behind the carousel. Or is it the other around? I guess I'll have to check with her. We also learned a "fun fact" about polar bears when we had to use the family restroom for the girls.

In the afternoon Abuelitos stopped by for a really quick visit, and at Sofia's request, came with the two of us for her swim lesson so they could see all the progress she has made. Afterwards we came back home, gave the girls a bath, and had dinner. And right before bed time, we enjoyed a few moments hanging out together, relaxing just sitting on the couch. A good end to our busy day as we prepared for the week ahead.

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