Saturday, April 2, 2011

In your face

Everyone I know has had, at one point or another, someone special in their lives that for whatever reason couldn't or decided not to stick around. Maybe it was timing, maybe it was distance, maybe it was something we will never know about. Some got closure, some did not.

When these special people left us we were probably sad, desperate, frustrated, angry and disappointed ... all at once. To this day I still vividly remember some of those bad times. Not that I want to spend too much time or effort thinking about that. Even though those experiences ended up on a bad note, there were also good memories that I will treasure and that in their own little way contributed to the person I am today.

The reason that got me thinking about this is the fact that my favorite artist got married today. Since he is very famous and so is his now wife the date of their wedding was no secret, and I can only image how much news coverage it got in their respective home lands. So I think it is safe to assume that their corresponding exes were well aware of it, which makes me wonder how they felt about that, and how I would have felt if I had known the exact wedding day, or other special event, of someone that never noticed me, that gave me false hope, or that flat out broke my heart.

It is a good thing I moved away, so for those who decided not to be part of my life hopefully I will never have to run into them again.

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