Saturday, April 16, 2011


It has been a very long time since I last cried for a pet, but this past Friday I almost did.

Rusty had his vet appointment and as she was checking him out, I could read in her face what she really did not want to say: "He is old, and he is starting to ache, and he probably doesn't have that much time ahead of him".

Knowing that he won't be around for long made me sad, and it made me feel extremely guilty as well. We have always given him what he needs. He has never lacked food, or a nice warm bed, but since the girls were born he took a very distant second place.

He now has to go back on Thursday to remove a small tumor from inside his mouth, which will require him to be sedated for the very first time. I hope everything goes well, and he doesn't have to be in pain. We may not always give him a lot of attention, but he is still our boy, and we want him to be Ok.

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