Monday, April 25, 2011

Teaching moments

My teaching moments with Sofia always backfire on me, as I always seem to end up teaching her the wrong thing. This morning, as we were driving to Bella's school, Sofia saw a car that had a somewhat big dent in the front, sure sign that it had been in an accident. Here is how it all went down:

Sofia: Mami, look at that car! I think they don't know where to take it to get it fixed.
Me: Well, maybe they do know where to take it, but they don't have the money to fix it. You know, to fix your car you need money, and sometimes people don't have that extra money.
Sofia: But we have LOTS of money, because when Papi had his accident we went and got a new car!
Me: Well, not exactly. You can't just assume that.
Sofia [already distracted]: Hmmm. Ok .... Did you see that dog walking by?

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