Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Working mom gives it a try

This morning, as I quickly made my way to the local Kroger to pick up the cup cakes and the pre-cut, pre-packaged fruit I would then take to school, I had a vision of what a stay at home mom would have done instead. She may have made from scratch all the cup cakes the night before. She may have carefully selected the frosting she would put on top. She may have bought the fruit separately, and lovingly wash it and cut one by one, all in preparation for her daughter's big celebration at school.

Hmmmm, I thought, .... not this mom. This mom had to rush through it all. But not because of a lack of interest, or certainly NOT because of a lack of love.

Working moms really try hard ... so maybe not all the details are perfect,  but I think that we are lucky in that kids still appreciate the end result.

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