Sunday, December 18, 2011

9 lives

I feel like in the last 35 years I have cheated death more than once. First I had my appendix removed when I was 3. I then went on to have two more surgeries before I was 15. At 24 I had a car accident where the car was totaled, but I did not even get a scratch. Then, at 32, I had to have surgery once again right after Bella was born.

Turns out, I got to cheat death all over again two months ago. During a business trip a friend of mine and I went on a helicopter ride. Then, last week, we learned that a helicopter from the exact same company we used went down - neither the 4 passengers nor the pilot survived. Couple days later I read that two other military helicopters went down somewhere else here in the US.

Needless to say, I don’t think I am going on another helicopter ride anytime soon. I may have cheated death a few times already, but I don't need to push my luck.

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