Sunday, December 18, 2011


Way back then
When I was in school I was always an A-student. Maybe part of the reason was that I always had scholarships and in order to keep them, good grades were a must. Part of it was that my parents wouldn't have accepted anything less. But most importantly, it was because I always took pride in my work. If I had the mental capacity to get an A, why would I settle for anything else? I did get some bad grades now and then, but it was not because I didn't try or I didn't care. To me it was very simple: Good grades were my gateway to a better financial life. It was because of my good grades that I got a full scholarship for my college - a place where you went only if your family was independently wealthy, or if you had a scholarship like me. It was because I went to that college that I then got the opportunity to come to Cincinnati to get my MBA. And it was because of that, that I got the job that I have today.

Back then
A few years back, "Friends" was one of the most popular shows around. I never really got into it ... Maybe it was scheduled at a very inconvenient time, maybe I had too much going on, maybe it was the Phoebe character that really turned me off. She was supposed to be a really dumb woman, a complete loser, someone who was constantly coming up with bad ideas, and who couldn't do one thing right. On the rare occasion I did watch the show she rubbed me the wrong way. I literally wanted to smack her around. "Being dumb is not funny", I would think every time.

Doing homework with Sofia is a really painful task. I have yet to figure out if it is an age thing or if it is just her, but she doesn't pay any attention and thinks that doing things the wrong way Is funny, even as Lionel and I try to explain to her - completely long faced - that it is not. Her problem is that she doesn’t listen, she rushes through everything, and she is not very clean with her work. All bad things as she relates to homework. Her lack of attention drives me so crazy that I am on my way to becoming a total tiger mom.

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