Tuesday, December 20, 2011

When bad things happen

It is hard to explain to children why and when bad things happen. Today, for instance, Sofia and I were driving behind a van that had the picture of a missing child. A missing 8 month old baby girl to be exact. To my surprise Sofia noticed and pointed it out. She knew exactly what it was about.

Sofia: "Mami, look! It is the picture of a missing baby"
Me: "I know. Poor baby. Her parents must be so, so sad"
Sofia: "Yeah, I would be so, so sad if we ever lost Bella or Dieguito"
Me: "I would be very sad too nenita, that's why we have to pray so nothing like that ever happens to us"
Sofia: "Mami, did the baby's parents not pray?"
Me: [blank stare]
Sofia: "Maybe they did pray, but it did not work. Right mami? Sometimes it doesn't work?"
Me: "I don't know nenita. I guess you are right. It doesn't always work"

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