Friday, December 23, 2011


A few weeks ago I decided that one of my projects during Christmas vacation would be to install a backsplash in the kitchen. Backsplashes look nice and - according to me - they couldn't be that difficult to install.

By the time my first day of vacation came around I was completely ready to go. I had purchased everything I needed, and made plans to be at home all by myself to work on it uninterrupted. It took me all day and a bit of the next day to finish, but I managed to do it all by myself.

The good news is that I really did a good job, as it turned out very well. The bad - and unfortunate - news is that you could barely notice it once we put all the kitchen stuff back in its place. Regardless, what really matters is that I reached my goal. It gives me a great deal of satisfaction to do things that I never get to do when I am at work.

Work in progress
Almost done
Close-up of the final details

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