Friday, December 23, 2011

Good December Morning

This past Wednesday Bella went to school for only half a day. We showed up late, shortly after 10:00am, not realizing they had a Christmas show that morning. By the time we got there the show was almost over, but we still got to sing a couple of songs. Then, by the end of the show, they had a special visitor: Santa Claus. At the beginning Bella got scared, but once he came to her classroom she stopped crying and even showed interest. Afterward it was time for her classroom to go to the playground, so Sofia asked if we could stay. It was a surprisingly warm day for late December, close to the sixties, so even I went out there. As usual I had my camera with me, so I was able to take a few candid pictures of the girls running around. Sofia is still such a kid, so she enjoyed playing out there. Bella was happy to have her big sister with her. As for me, I was happy to be off work and spend some stress-free time with them. Even though the initial plan was to drop Bella off and then go do some Christmas shopping, it was nice to be able to adjust our plans and stay with her for a little while. We don't always have that luxury, another reason why vacation is a must.

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