Saturday, April 21, 2012

Art fair

Yesterday afternoon I volunteered at Sofia's school for the art fair. I was at the framing station for couple hours, and although it was nice to help out it was also pretty intense. At times we had several parents waiting in line to see their kids' art, which was stressful because they were obviously anxious as we went through tons and tons of drawings hoping to find the right one. I did get to hear some funny comments, and some sad ones. The funniest was from the mom of a little boy that when she saw her son's drawings flat out told me: "Oh, wow. Look at this. I was hoping there would be a nice one to frame, but these ones are just nasty". Before you judge her I must say that they were definitely on the disturbing side. The saddest comment was from the mom who chose two drawings and told her kid: "Look honey. Let's pick these two. One for our house, and one for your dad's house".

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