Monday, April 16, 2012

Mean girls

Some girls were mean to my Sofia at school today. When I picked her up she was devastated, and she cried the entire way to her tennis class. She kept telling me how they told her they all went to this one party where she was not invited, and that they had so much fun without her. In between sobs she told me this was the first time in her life that her friends became her enemies, and that since they were mean to her she had nobody else to play with in the after school program. She cried and cried...

As a mom it is heartbreaking to see your kid sad like that and not being able to do anything for them.

So what did I tell her? "Don't listen to them. Look for somebody else to play with". I took the high road because that is what moms are supposed to do. But what did I REALLY want to tell her? Even though I don't believe in violence, I kind of wanted to tell her to punch them in the face. Truth be told, that is the nicest thought I had. Who do they think they are to treat my sweet girl that way?!?!

Luckily she calmed down during her tennis class. Her coach is very nice, and she managed to distract her and even brought her smile back. Even better, she didn't talk about the mean girls for the rest of the day.

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