Sunday, April 8, 2012


This morning, despite my best efforts, we arrived late for church. But at least we made it and even though it was standing room only, somebody was kind enough to give up his seat so that I could sit down with the girls. After mass we stopped by Ault Park to take some pictures, per my request. I was hoping to get at least one good picture, but the girls were not in the mood to cooperate. We then went back home, changed, went back out for lunch, picked my mom up, and went to the zoo. I love going to the zoo in the spring, so I was disappointed to find out that most of the tulips were ruined by the changing weather of the last few days - it got really hot, and then really cold. Luckily we found a few spots with nice ones, and managed to take a handful of pictures even though the girls were still not eager to cooperate.

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