Saturday, April 7, 2012

Viernes santo, day off

Yesterday was a great day. I didn't have to work, so I got to spend the entire day out and about with my Bella girl. Sofia had to go to school and Lionel was running errands, so it was just Bella and me. we also had lunch with Gabi and my mom, which was a nice treat.

One of my favorite parts of the day was when Bella, Lionel, Zoey, and I went to pick up Sofia from school. It was a beautiful day and for once we were not rushed, so we walked to her school. Sofia always wants to walk there, but for us doing so is very much a luxury since we have to drop Bella off, then take her, and then rush to work.

When we got home the girls went outside to enjoy the afternoon even more. It always makes me happy to see them happy, and even I got to take a break. I sat outside, in the afternoon sunshine, to look at the spring catalogs that have been accumulating for several weeks. When I was outside Lionel had a really nice gesture that signaled it was definitely time for me to take a break. He brought me a glass of wine and then went back inside to make dinner for us. That made me feel really good, pampered, something I don't get to experience every day.

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