Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Taking over

Some people go to their 9-5 jobs and after that they go home - the rest of the day is theirs. Some go workout, some hang out with friends, some enjoy their families, and others simply sit around on the couch. Not me ... After work I rush to pick up the girls, go home, eat, give the girls a bath, and put them to bed. Now that we once again have a dog I force myself to take her out for a 15 to 20 min walk before I sit down on the couch and start working all over again. I then work until I am so tired that when I go upstairs I fall asleep right away. No such thing as reading a book to unwind at the end the day. How could I possibly enjoy reading a random book when I know all my work email is accumulating and waiting for me the next day?

Many nights I feel that I am just going through the motions between 6 and 9pm, those few hours where I am not at work. Because as much as I love my family, hanging out with them a few extra minutes is an opportunity cost. Thinking like that of course makes me feel like hell.

So yes, during the week I rush and rush so that -hopefully- the weekend is truly for us. No meetings, no drama, no work emails. But it is NOT enough. I want my life back, and I want it now.

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