Saturday, July 21, 2012

Catching up

It always happens that when you come back from vacation you have a ton of accumulated work. This time around was no different, and in fact it was even worse. I am not saying that in a "whiney", but rather in a "matter of fact" sort of way. It has been so busy ever since we came back from Vail that I've hardly had the time to myself, let alone to write. So several things have happened that now - in the interest of time - I will just quickly summarize.

After 3 months away Zidane's allergy treatment was finally done and he was able to come home. We were happy to have him back, but unfortunately it did not work out and after just couple weeks he had to go back. He is a super sweet dog, but he kept stealing food and getting sick all over our living room carpet.  In two weeks we had to clean more dog poop than we ever did in the 10 years that Rusty lived with us. And it happened all around the clock, including one time at 3:00am during the work week. We were sad to give him up after we waited for him for such a long time, but we are confident that it was the best thing for all of us.

Last week Sofia, my mom and I also made it to one of the concerts of the World Choir Games. During dinner Sofia lost another tooth, and even though the concert itself was underwhelming, it was nice to take a break from the routine.

Last weekend Sofia also went to a birthday party, and even though the intent was to drop her off and pick her up, Bella wanted to stay and so we did. It was at the Beechmont Rollarena and even though Bella did not have her rollerblades, she had fun chasing after the older girls and playing ski ball.

Other than that we have been go, go go.

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