Thursday, July 5, 2012

Cincinnati summer fun

This vacation has made me particularly aware of all the fun things we can do back home, without having to get away. In fact, I almost feel a bit cheated for making the trek out here only to do those very same things. I tend to feel bad for my friends who can't afford a vacation, but this time around I feel like the joke is on us. Don't get me wrong, the place is beautiful and we've had a good time, but it is the activities themselves that I am talking about. Sofia liked the wall climbing, but there are places to do that in Cincinnati even if it is not at the top of a mountain. Both girls liked bike riding but again, there are a number of biking trails back home. And how about going to the pool, the playground, the 4th of July parade, and going out to restaurants to try new things? Enough said... The thing is, when we are home it is hard to find the time, clarity of mind, or motivation to do most of those things. We do go out for dinner once or twice per week, and since Bella is now 3 this summer we are making more of a conscious effort to go to the neighborhood pool. However, the wall climbing had never even occured to me and I couldn't even tell you the last time we touched our bikes. As for the 4th of July parade? I honestly believe we had never been... Actually listing all the things we never do but we could makes me feel like a really lame mom, and it makes me want to rush home and put together our Cincinnati summer bucket list. We still have several weeks of summer ahead of us, and we need to make them count.

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