Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Everyone who knows me well knows that I am not big on politics. And whether it is in Mexico or the US, I don't have a preferred political party. The main reason for that is that in essence I feel they are all the same. I do believe that many people enter politics in good faith, but I am also convinced that somewhere along the way they get corrupted when they realize that they don't have that much influence and the best they can do is be selfish and take care of themselves. Having said the above, I am still deeply disappointed in the results of the presidential election in Mexico couple days ago. Below is a short excerpt I took from an online article describing the man who has - most likely fraudulently - been elected as our new Mexican president. As one of my Facebook friends said: "The results of the election make me happy ... Make me happy to be living abroad". Online article "... This is despite the fact that Peña Nieto's public image took a lot of hits during the campaign. In December, the candidate struggled at a literary fair to name three books that had influenced him. When he was criticized for the flub by the country's intelligentsia, his daughter poured gasoline on the fire by insisting, on Twitter, that the story was driven by class envy. Later, in an interview with a Spanish newspaper, Peña Nieto admitted that he didn't know the price of a package of tortillas. When criticized for being out of touch, he insisted chauvinistically that he wasn't "the woman of the household." He also admitted in another interview that he was unfaithful to his late wife and fathered two children with two women during his marriage"

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