Monday, July 2, 2012

That darn dessert!

When I go on vacation I always like to buy magazines that have nothing to do with work. I am careful like that because I don't like to trigger any work memories or thoughts that could get my mind to start spinning indefinitely. Given my renewed emphasis in getting in shape and dropping those extra pounds that could otherwise become the beginning of the end, I bought Health Magazine this time around. One of the articles talked about the importance of eating and exercising at the right time. Most of the stuff in it I either knew or simply made sense, including the fact that eating late at night is not a good thing. But what I did find to be a new concept for me is the fact that -according to them - you need to fast for 12 hours per night so your body can actually burn calories while you sleep. This means that if you have dinner at 8:00pm, you should probably wait until 8:00am to take your next bite - even if that bite is an innocent piece of fruit. Given that Lionel and I are constantly having dessert past 9, and sometimes past 10pm, it is no wonder that I have put on several extra pounds in the last three years. But no more! This article was a good reminder of what we are doing to ourselves, so I am determined to change our ways.

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