Wednesday, January 2, 2013

4 Teeth

This morning I took Sofia to the dentist because she needed to have four teeth pulled. Her baby teeth hadn't fallen out, were not even lose, and we needed to make room for the adult ones. Eve though the dentist is great, these visits are never fun -and today was no exception. I was told she did great during the procedure itself - during which I had to wait outside - but started crying and having somewhat of a meltdown after the fact because the anesthesia made her head heavy, her feet wobbly, and her lips very dry. Eventually the medicine mostly wore off, she was able to walk with assistance, and we made it back home. At home she got some rest, took a nap, and was feeling much better by the afternoon. She asked to go to Panera for lunch, and by then her smile was back!

I am pretty sure the tooth fairy is going to be good to my sweet girl tonight...

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